Forge Aotearoa equips followers of Jesus to participate in God’s mission.

Pioneer Training

The Forge Pioneer Course is a spiritual formation and training process for those who sense that God might be leading them into creating new expressions of church.


Events like Coracle that gather people who are keen on connecting and sharing their stories about exploring what “church” can look like.


Following on from the Pioneer Course, a wider network of pioneers who understand the joys and challenges of pioneering, coaches who can cheer you on and bring wisdom and challenge.


We are thankful to those who support us in prayer. For a list of prayer points, you can contact us via this website.

Register for Exploring Wayfinding

Exploring Wayfinding is an online community beginning on the 10th June 2024. It provides an introduction for those interested in “way finding” ministry and mission.

About Us

What is Forge?

Forge Aotearoa provides missional training and cultivates missional communities across Aotearoa NZ. Forge is a leadership development programme for those who are seeking to serve incarnationally, who have a holistic view of life and mission and who are able to rethink church structures, recognising that one size does not fit all. Forge does not plant churches, but instead trains people to thrive in whatever context they are called to. Forge is about the grass-roots and is committed to connecting emerging missional leaders with experienced practitioners. The Forge dream is to see both new missional communities birthed, and established churches encouraged to refocus on the task of mission here in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Interested in finding out more?

Get in touch with us today to find out more about how we can help you.